One thing is certain, FIFA President Gianni Infantino sure loves his “niggers” hopelessly and irredeemably corrupt, whether they be on the African continent or in the Caribbean.
For those with fragile sensitivities, we use the term nigger liberally, to denote the absolute lack of a change in status, in the global perception of black people, which is further reinforced by their own actions (or lack thereof).
You just need to contemplate their handling of football and its voting regimen to appreciate that blacks still have their minds in the cotton and tobacco fields of the US Deep South, despite so-called physical emancipation from a life of perpetual servitude.

Infantino’s view of Africa and Caribbean football leaders.
And Infantino, he just loves this warped mindset…
At every opportunity he gets, Infantino pontificates to the whole World about the ethical strides and reforms that he had made at FIFA, coming as he did on the back of the World’s biggest football scandal, now known as FIFA-gate in 2015.
Infantino is quite the ventriloquist, he has the uncanny ability to throw his voice all over the World without seeming to move his lips, thereby confusing his audience, who wonder “did he say that or didn’t he?”
Immediately after taking over the reins of leadership at FIFA in 2016, Infantino set out to re-jig the entire structure and in the process, he shamelessly made his personal friend and former classmate, the Congolese emigrant Veron Mosengo-Omba to be the FIFA Director of Development for Africa and the Caribbean.
We recently saw Veron in his native Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to launch the $100 million solar lighting project of some rather dilapidated murram football pitches in Kinshasa, as part of the FIFA Forward funded programme, alongside the DRC FA President and FIFA Council member Constant Omari.

Veron and Omari: safe under the flag of FIFA!
Today, Veron has been reduced to the hand-holding of African and Caribbean FAs, most of which appear unable to go through electoral processes without acrimony, and which eventually will require to be placed in the hands of “Normalization committees” for indefinite periods.
We saw Cameroon and Ghana come right through the Normalization committee process to elections and currently things are so bad in countries like Zambia and Kenya, that this appears to be the only re-course for them.
In a few short years, Africa will be ablaze with power struggles within each and every Sub-Saharan Africa FA, due in large part to the impression created by Gianni Infantino that FA Presidents can steal FIFA and CAF grants, without consequence, as long as they prostrate themselves before Almighty Infantino and worship him as lord and savior!
The amounts of money that FIFA and CAF are throwing at African and Caribbean Football Associations is mind-boggling, especially when you consider that these FA’s are not really expected to develop football with these funds.
CAF already approved annual subventions of $200,000 to each African FA which includes a $20,000 direct bribe payment into the personal account of each FA President over and above the allowances and perks received for each CAF event that they attend or committee that they are stuffed into.

70% increase in FIFA funds to member associations 2019-2022.
FIFA has set aside $1,000,000 annually for each of the 6 zonal unions of CAF which allows FA Presidents a 2nd bite at the cherry.
From 2019 -2023, FIFA has increased its funding of the FIFA Forward programme by more than 65% from the previous cycle, enticing FAs with the allure of more uncontrolled money and the prospect of ridiculous vanity projects that are designed to siphon money through crooked contractors, into the pockets of FA Presidents.
FIFA has bumped up annual grants to FAs up to $6,000,000 over the 4 years with an increment of $1,000,000 for those FAs able to prove that they are unable to generate more than $4,000,000 annually on their own.
The threshold for receiving these funds is so laughable that FA Presidents genuinely just smile at the prospect while their competitors openly salivate at the prospect of succeeding them, by any means necessary.
With the amounts of money of offer, we foresee the FA Presidential races take on a sinister life-and-death veneer.
This last week, we saw Burkinabe Sita Sangare, a military officer in the rank of Colonel, ordered to step down from contesting the FA Presidency by the country’s military junta.

Outgoing Burkina Faso FA President Sita Sangare.
Earlier on, the military had endorsed Sangare for the post, but this week, the army’s Chief of General Staff Moise Miningou informed him that the previous letter (endorsing him) was canceled and that therefore, he was not authorized to present his candidacy for the Presidency of the Burkina Football Federation (FBF) “for service reasons”.
It is also just a matter of time before the African and Caribbean Governments stop fearing the FIFA action of suspension, and openly interfere in the affairs of FAs, something that will spur anarchy.
All of this because Infantino has created the impression that he supports and encourages corruption and that he will do nothing to censure FA Presidents and officials, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence.
And the World continues to watch and learn from Infantino’s handling of the Africa (CAF) cases since the arrest of its President Ahmad Ahmad by French anti-corruption and money-laundering police in June 2019.
Infantino continues to hold the line despite inconvertible evidence unearthed by an audit conducted by Swiss branch of global audit firm PWC, that Ahmad and his coterie had siphoned in excess of $24 million from CAF coffers.

Ahmad and PA Loic Gerand who were questioned by French Police.
UEFA, CONMEBOL and AFC have finally confirmed their long-held beliefs that Infantino is also corrupt and have been exploring ways and means of ending this abusive relationship with FIFA completely.
FA Presidents of CAF and CONCACAF on the other hand, have become emboldened by Infantino’s inertia in dealing with corruption cases, happy to go along for the ride, despite contributing absolutely nothing to the development of the global game.
Take for instance the happenings this week in the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) where FIFA disbanded the entire management committee and proposed to install a “Normalization committee” (NC) for a period not exceeding 24 months.
The kicker here is that between now and the setting up of the NC, which could actually take several months, the administration of the TTFA has been placed in the hands of its Finance officer – Tyril Patrick.

Gianni Infantino with crooked TTFA Finance manager Tyril Patrick
o illustrate just how confused FIFA really is and that the right hand does not seem to know what the right hand is doing, Patrick was the subject of a FIFA investigation for financial mismanagement, that FIFA was stepping in to help resolve.
In a FIFA release at the time, it stated “(A joint FIFA-CONCACAF) mission found that the overall condition of financial management and financial governance is extremely low or non-existent at the TTFA!”
The report continues, “there are currently no formal internal policies and internal controls in place, such as procurement, delegation of financial authority, financial planning and budgeting, effective oversight of funding and management reporting, which are necessary to meet TTFA objectives.
Effectively, TTFA has been run like a mobile hotdog stand in New York despite the pumping in of millions of dollars in each cycle by both FIFA and CONCACAF.
If the name Trinidad and Tabago sounds familiar to you, it’s because it was made famous by the arrest of its former FA President, President of CONCACAF and FIFA Vice-President in 2015, the irascible Jack Warner who was indicted by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) and an arrest warrant issued for him for “wire fraud, racketeering and money laundering”.

Daryan and Jack Warner (son & father) from Trinidad & Tobago.
Clearly there seems to be an omnipresent problem in TTFA and CONCACAF considering that this same kleptomaniac Warner was ordered by a US court in 2019 to repay CONCACAF $79 million that he has stolen from it.
This is one of those scenarios that illustrate two things about Veron Mosengo-Omba, the first being that you can take a boy from a shit-hole country, but you cannot take the shit-hole country out of the boy.
Secondly that the unofficial role of Veron continues to be to manage the FA Presidents of the most backwater confederations and ensure their continued viability to vote for Gianni Infantino, by any means necessary.
The issue of football development in these two confederations must continue to be a private joke between the two, and a mirage for majority of inhabitants of those countries represented by these confederations.

Ejected: newly elected TTFA President William Wallace removed by FIFA.
One of the most confounding issues found by the joint TTFA-FIFA mission is that “there exists a potential liability on the TTFA for several years of unremitted payroll taxes to the Government”…
This Patrick character apparently also has no compunction issuing cheques while knowing that there are no funds in the bank accounts, in the process having issued close to 30 bouncing cheques.
The disbandment of the TTFA Board mirrors very closely with what happened in Africa, where the whistleblowers were demonized and sacked by FIFA and CAF, but the thieves were elevated and maintained in high office, kept there by edict of Gianni Infantino.
The new TTFA administration led by William Wallace was the one that blew the whistle on the affairs of the TTFA and singled out Patrick to be a major cog in the weaknesses that were confirmed by the FIFA-CONCACAF mission to TTFA.
Surprise, surprise that FIFA instead chose to disband the William Wallace-led administration committee and instead handed its leadership to Patrick to manage until a NC is put in place.
Talk about giving the poacher the keys to the game reserve…!
A TTFA board meeting on 7th March 2020 resolved to begin an investigation into the financial mismanagement at the TTFA, including the expenditure on the highly controversial “Home of Football” project, which is part funded by FIFA Forward programme and directly supervised by Veron Mosengo-Omba.

Veron Mosengo-Omba: What could he be hiding in Trinidad & Tobago?
The board had also resolved to sack Patrick for his various breaches and failures at his fiduciary duties as finance manager.
Why then would Veron move so quickly to disband the administration committee, then write personally and directly to Patrick to inform him that he is now the head of the TTFA?
It would be good to note that the TTFA board has been in office for only 4 months, having been elected validly in November 2019.
Two board members of the TTFA are on record having accused Veron of studiously refusing to investigate the financial mismanagement in the “Home of Football” project in particular and the running of the FA in general.
What the hell could Veron be hiding that would compel him to act so decisively to silence the committee that had accused him of being complicit in the loss of funds and replacing them all with the chief thug?
The game of musical chairs in Africa and the Caribbean continues, and Infantino has found his choirmaster, the not-so-clean Veron Mosengo-Omba!
1 comment
The TTFA needs your help in bringing our plight to light. There are a lot of questions to be answered with the home of football project, and government involvement with FIFA and the DJW administration. Where there is smoke there may be fire.